Thursday, March 4, 2010

countdown to Europe

it's only 12 days until Tina, Poldi, and I will be leaving Canada.... and we already sold our car.

Today I got groomed. I was scared and the groomer told Tina that I shivered the whole 2 hours! Tina said she was really surprised since I am normally such a brave little guy, she thinks maybe I am traumatized since my last grooming was during my hard times in summer (even though the groomer was such a nice lady).
The good news is that the groomer estimated my age to be around 6 years! Wow maybe I am still that young! Would be great!
I totally look like a poodle now look at the picture:

The picture below shows me in my new travel bag that we will use for the flight to Europe. I think it's more  like a doggy bed and Tina seems to very glad that I like it soo much...

wow, it's hard to believe that it's me on both pictures.....

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