Saturday, March 13, 2010

3 days to go

we've been for 2 really long walks today. First with our best friend Ivan, the white shepherd husky mix, in the morning. Then, Tina's friend came around and with her another dog, Winston the chocolate lab. We've been for a long walk with them, too and now we are all tired.
Tina will be on a good bye party this evening and Poldi and I might just sleep. Last  night, Poldi slept in his traveling kennel with the door closed to get him used to the kennel again. I slept in my traveling bag with the door open since I like it anyway. Tina keeps pretending she wouldn't be nervous but I could bet she is....she never before said "everything will be fine" like 10 times a day...I am only concerned about the fact that Tina said I won't get supper on Tuesday since dogs should not eat while flying. Maybe I could put on my "poor-little-doggie-look" so that other people give me something to eat - Tina said there will be a lot of people at the Airport and in the let's see, I still have hope that there will be supper for me on Tuesday as well!

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