Wednesday, November 25, 2009

another blood test...

Hi, it's Muffin.

Today, Tina told me that tomorrow we are going to do another blood test .
Puh......I am scared!
I know they will again shave my leg and then again this needle......I don't want that!

But Tina said it is absolutely neccessary.
She said that it's very likely that my health has improved and the values aren't worse than last time. But it is important to check whether my diet is right or not.

So, I hope the blood test will tell Tina that she should feed me much much much more food :-)

keep fingers cross for me...


Momz Wool Rug Hooking Studio said...

Let us know Muffin, we (the Shelter) are crossing our fingers for you

Poldi, Muffin, and me said...

Thanks Corinne :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina, Muffin und Poldi,
es macht Spass, eure Geschichten zu lesen,
laßt es euch gut gehen. Liebe Grüsse aus
der alten Heimat von Luisa, Didi, Inge und

Poldi, Muffin, and me said...

Hey Inge!
schoen von Dir/Euch zu hoeren! Dass Nini mit ihrer Zuckerkrankheit so alt werden konnte hat mir geholfen daran zu glauben dass Muffin es schaffen kann....:-)
Sonnige Gruesse!

Anonymous said...

hi Tini,
willkommen in Europa Ihr Drei ! Ich hoffe,
ihr habt Flug und Transfer gut überstanden.
Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja mal wieder
Liebe Grüsse von uns, Inge