Muffin is a little poodle mix. A dog catcher brought him to an Animal Shelter in Nova Scotia. Muffin was a stray. He was almost starved to death and had long fur full of mats and knots and also black teeth. He was not housebroken and knew no commands. His age was estimated to be between 5 and 10 years. Nobody knew his history. But one thing was for sure: he's got a great character!
Since August 14th 2009, Muffin lives with me and my other dog Poldi. Here, all three of us blog about daily things that we experience. And that's for sure: there are lots of things to do and see at the east coast and Fundy Bay.
End of January 2011: Muffin died after his kidneys finally stopped working. It seems that he continues blogging from doggies heaven...and Poldi got a new friend: her nam is Lotte, she has the biggest ears a dog could have and we'll blog her stories now as well...
Muffin ist ein kleiner Pudelmischling. Ein Hundefaenger hat ueber eine Woche gebraucht um den kleinen heimatlosen Hund einzufangen und ins Tierheim in Nova Scotia zu bringen (was hier eine sehr gute Sache ist, da Koyoten nicht lange fackeln....). Muffin war extrem abegmagert, sein Fell war voellig verfilzt. Seine Zaehne waren schwarz. Er war nicht stubenrein und kannte keine Kommandos. Sein Alter wurde auf zwischen 5 und 10 Jahre geschaetzt.Niemand kennt seine Vergangenheit aber eines war sicher: Sein Charakter ist einzigartig!
Muffin lebt seit dem 14. August 2009 mit mir und meinem anderen Hund Poldi. Hier bloggen wir alle drei unsere alltaeglichen Erlebnisse. Und eines ist gibt viel zu erleben an der Ostkueste Kanadas und der Bay of Fundy.
Ende Januar 2011: Muffin stirbt an Nirenversagen. Aber wie es aussieht bloggt er aus dem Hundehimmel weiter
St. Patrick's Day FundRaiser
This is the scene from today at the St. Patrick's Day Luncheon, people were
very generous with the total numbers coming in around $850.00 just of this
one ...