Muffins blood work resulted better values than in September!
Still, they indicate kidney failure but it seems to be stable.
Mainly BUN (blood urea nitrogen) and creatine are elevated. BUN is at 15 mmol/L (should be between 2-9) at was at 29 in September.
Creatine is stable around 180 (should be between 27-124).
His blood globulin concentrations are too low and decreased since September. From what I understand, it means that his immune systems isn't the best and I wonder the immune system fails to come up after the antibiotic treatment he got in September.
His urine was less concentrated than last time but that might be a result from all the water he drunk the day before since he found the can with instant hot chocolate powder on the kitchen counter....(* I should write an extra post about which kind of food Muffin would "steal" without supervision)
And, eventually Muffin gained weight and is not underweight anymore. This last point means a lot since ongoing kidney failure is often associated with weight loss. So it's a good sign that Muffin is able to gain weight.
Now, we are all looking forward to the snow that is not yet forecasted...YIPIEEEEEEEEEEEH!
St. Patrick's Day FundRaiser
This is the scene from today at the St. Patrick's Day Luncheon, people were
very generous with the total numbers coming in around $850.00 just of this
one ...
14 years ago