Thursday, October 29, 2009

Herbst in Kanada:

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Deer Hunting Season

I just received the following email from a trustworthy person:

"Just in case you are out in the country, the main deer hunting season opens on 26 October, and runs until 21 November (I think).
So, if you are walking in the woods or countryside, you are supposed to wear bright orange.

In general, it is a good time to stay out of dense woods, in case of stray bullets or careless hunters."

reminds me of a photo that I had taken recently 

Friday, October 23, 2009


Hi, last saturday Tina and a friend made a "Studio-Tour". Local artists opened their studios to the public. One of them was a famous photographer who is doing mainly black-and white photography. Tina seems to be inspired....
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Friday, October 16, 2009

beyond the camera....

Hi there, it's Poldi.....for me it's sometimes boring when Muffin acts for hours as photo model and Tina takes pictures of him. Nobody wants to play with me then....anyway, we had a real nice day at the beach last weekend - see our post below-.
For this weekend, they forecasted no nice trips I guess...but let's see....
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Monday, October 12, 2009

The BEACH!!!!

Today was Thanksgiving and we did another great Trip: We've been somewhere what Tina called "BEACH". Basically, it's tons of sand in front of lots of water. Poldi and I ran a lot, I chased first Poldi and then some Birds...Tina called them Seagulls and said that was not good. Ok. Learned that.

Then...I started to chase these waves.....
and then....I ran full speed into the water....ok, it was deeper than I thought but I have no idea why Tina freaked out....I CAN swim....she said something like: cold, too deep, tidal currents and so, I ended up being at the leash again, while Poldi and our friend were playing....

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hiking at Partridge Island

we have another friend visting. Fall is great, beautiful sun and we've been hiking at Partridge Island, Nova Scotia near Parrsboro.
before I write too much - here the pictures

Dieses Schild erklaert, dass die taegliche Wassermenge, die hier durch die Bay of Fundy fliesst in etwa der Menge Wasser enspricht, die taeglich von allen Fluessen der Welt zusammen ins Meer fliesst!!!!
Das entspricht etwa der EnergieMenge von 200 mittelgrossen Atomanlagen....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


eigentlich hoert Muffin ja schon ganz gut und Poldi ist sowieso prima- aber als ich gestern im Tierladen gehoert habe dass dort nebenan Obedience Kurse stattfinden habe ich direkt mitgemacht. Zuerst nur mit Pudel Muffin. Poldi musste im Auto warten. Es war erstaunlich wie gut Muffin mitgemacht hat. Naechstes Mal mache ich mit beiden Hunden mit - den im Alltag habe ich ja auch immer 2 an der Leine :-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


 Hi here is Poldi, Muffins best friend.
You won't believe what I have to tell: Muffin's got a SWEATER! He seems to like it but I find he looks awkward wearing that....we sometimes met the problem that he wouldn't want to go for a walk if it was raining. But I wanted and Tina had to carry him then. So, she decided to solve the problem with a doggy sweater for him....

yeah, Poldi is right -I've got a sweater-BUT: I like it!
It keeps me warm! They groomed me in late August because of all theses mats an knots and now it's fall and still my fur is so short....Anyway, I think Poldi has no idea about fashion ;-)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hiking at Five Islands

Hi, here is Muffin!

My humans, Poldi and I did a so called Hiking Trip today. I had no idea what that was but it turned out that I liked it a lot! The area is called Five Islands Provincial Park at Minas Basin. It was a great sunny and warm day. We walked a few hours, at the shore line and in the forest! That was great - I felt like a real wild DOG...mmh - ok, to be honest....Tina carried me from time to time....but anyway it was so cool!

tidal flats....

and finally a great view!!!!!